CUBE would like to congratulate all the participants for a successful BMEC 2022!

The competition was held from February 19th to February 20th. We had 43 participants and $2500 in prizes given out!

The theme for this year's competition was  “Bringing Life to the Mind: improving the daily lives of Parkinson’s Dementia Patients.” Participants were  able to network with judges in the medical field, develop teamwork skills, and create prototypes to demonstrate their ideas.


Top Designs

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who should I contact when in need of information?
If you have any questions about the competition, please feel free to email Email titled: “BMEC - (your question)”.

I don't have any teammates, can I still participate?
Welcome! Please fill out the registration form and select “No → Applying as individual” under “Do you have a team of 3 or 4?”

Is there a fee I need to pay?
No. The competition is completely FREE OF CHARGE.

I just want to participate in the competition. Do I have to attend the presentations and workshops?
Workshop is a great learning opportunity. Although your attendance is NOT mandatory, you are encouraged to attend. If you would like to compete against other teams and win a prize, your team must submit a deliverable and pitch your team's idea in the presentation.

Do I need to have my camera on all the time?
CUBE understands that participants might have different circumstances. Therefore, you are not required to have your camera on all the time. However, you are highly recommended to turn on your camera during your team's presentation.

Technology Requirements

Since the opening ceremony, presentations, and closing ceremony will be held through Zoom, we require all BMEC participants to have:

  1. Zoom
  2. An internet connection
  3. Speaker and a microphone
  4. (preferably) A webcam
In addition, one member of the team must be ready to share their screen. That person will be set as co-host when it is their team’s turn.